Prayer at rally for immigrants

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Catholic News Agency


Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, recited the following prayer at a rally for immigrants outside the John Wood Federal Courthouse in San Antonio on June 26.

Loving God,

We give you thanks for saving your people. You sent your Son to bring us back to yourself, and to make us one as you and your Son are one. In the Spirit of that love, we stand before you today.

We ask you to hear our prayer for peace. In this society, where so much anger and mistrust exists, send your Spirit into our hearts, and into the hearts of those with whom we agree and with whom we disagree, so that we may work together in peace, for the good of all.

We ask you to hear our prayer for reconciliation, that the separations and divisions between us may be overcome. Help us to humbly seek your wisdom, and guide us in your will alone. Yours is the only path that brings the fullness of justice and life.

We ask you to hear our prayer on behalf of the vulnerable people among us — in a very special way today we pray for those who are afraid and who are isolated because of that fear. Protect them with your grace, and help us to see and love our neighbor as ourselves, just as you taught us to do. Also, we pray for our communities; that there be trust between immigrants and law enforcement.

Teach us, dear Lord, the way to stand in prudent and passionate solidarity with all our sisters and brothers, not allowing our limited human perspective to dampen the creativity and freedom that comes from your Holy Spirit. Help us to stand with all people of good will, to seek the wellbeing of all our brothers and sisters in the human race.

We ask your blessing Lord, who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.